WOD - Experience

We wanna shortly say something about our little experience at WOD 2017. First of all it was a great honour to meet and share the stage with some of the greatest performers in the world! We can easy write a book about each one of the crew, solo, duo and acts at WOD. It`s just like a movie. Where you really love Lord of The Rings, but you also love Avatar. There was inspiration 24/7 around us. Specially Les Twins brothers, gave us allot! Sharing your stories, knowledge and honesty. It is like having two lions walking around you or just simply look like living art! Fashion, style and personality was beyond being normal human being. Thank you Keone and Mari for taking care of us! Everything has been on point, even NBC removed half of our last performance, it just made us feel stronger to proof harder . We wanna keep this short and say THANK YOU to everyone that has supported us! It means allot to us (bless you) We wanna keep pushing, and please just watch us grow (Y) - Quick